Monday 14 February 2011

Evaluating another persons thriller opening - Evasion:

As Group 3's thriller opening scene begins, it immediately engages the audience with their logos and animations representing the distribution and production companies. They are clear, idyllic and strong images. Additionally, the film begins with a dark background. However, moments later the title sequences appear alongside the faded backdrop. In my opinion, I think that it was really good that the group started the film with a dark backdrop, as it begins to create intensity and fear. Furthermore, the audience are kept in the dark about what events might occur in the subsequent shot. I particularly like the whole 'man on the run' thriller and the group have worked exceptionally hard to convey this. They have established the roles of each character really well and it is clear to the audience who is meant to be playing who.
In the first few shots of the opening sequence, the group uses a vast and different amount of camera shots and angles ranging from "close ups, mid shots, long shots and high angles." I think that group three put their editing ability to good use as they used 'cross-cutting' and 'jump cuts' in the opening scenes of the sequence where Matthew and Josh are on the phone to one another having a conversation. The audience are given the opportunity to see the actors whereabouts in the different locations.

One of the things which I think the group could improve on, is that when the phone conversation is taking place between Josh and Matthew, one of them will say something then they'll be a five second pause and then the other character will respond to the actor. Unfortunately, this lacks continuity as if you look closely in films produced today there is never a gap in a conversation. The actors will immediately give a response to what the other has said. Additionally, what group three could have done to improve their thriller opening sequence is that they could have used some of the audio from previous the scenes and then link it to the subsequent shot, so it begins to look more realistic and appealing.

Additionally, another improvement which could be made to the thriller opening sequence is the soundtrack. Whilst the soundtrack is gripping and electric, it often overpowers the dialogue in certain areas of the film and it is hard to hear what the characters are actually saying to one another. So the group, definiately need to tone down the sound levels.

The main scenes of the film which I thought were exceptionally good, were the areas where the characers were chasing the man that was on the run. The group used their imagination and creativity when using different camera angles and shots to film the scenes when the characters were climbing and jumping over the walls. I think that by adding these features to their opening sequence, it has without a doubt made the film more action packed and exciting as it lures the audience in to watching the film.

To conclude, I think that overall their thriller opening sequence is brilliant. However, as long as they take on board the feedback given and make a few ammends to their project, their thriller film will be extremely successful. The continuity flows elegantly between each scene and it definitely keeps you gripped.